Friday, June 21, 2013

First Days at Acheru

Me at the center with Okello, Olivia, and William 

Olivia and I on a bodaboda in Kampola

Neighborhood children call us "Muzungus" (white people/ foreigners) 

We finally have a complete team and have made it to Acheru. Praise God! The first days here have been fantastic. The children here have all had difficult lives, but Acheru is a place where they can receive affordable housing and care. Our team has a wide range of abilities and therefore each person is doing different activities. The three nurses/nursing students are dressing wounds and sores. The pre-med student (Ethan) and pre physical therapy student (Michelle) shadow the centers physical therapist. The speech therapist student (Olivia) and teacher (Debbie) work with the centers teacher.  Aaron (MSW) and I do office work and filing for the center.  Through this work I've found that a lot of the children at ACHERU were paralyzed after getting Intravenous Shots for Malaria. A small amount of others were in bodaboda (motorcycle) accidents.  
The way of life is slower here and people care more about relationships than they do tasks. The children speak Luganda here and our team has learned a few basic phrases. 

Hello- Ollelotia 
Good Morning- Waszotia 
Waberly Nuo- Thank you 
Savo- Sir
Nyobo- Maim 
En zay- My name is 

Please Pray for our team to guard against Satan and his attacks and to put on the full armor of God each day. Pray that we master the language quickly and build relationships despite language barriers. 

Ephesians 6:10-18


  1. Bet those children adore you as much as my preschoolers!

  2. Aww those kids are so precious! And I love seeing you so happy. I am continuing to think about you and pray for you. Take good care of Alberto ;)
    Love coming your way from the other side of the globe.
