Saturday, June 29, 2013

Week 2

Me, after Rachel braided my hair and the children (Olivia, Harriet, Lubowa) put flowers in it 

Silly faces with Okello and Lydia 

My best Katniss impression with Martin 

Week 2 Africa

Already we have gone through 2 full weeks in Africa! This week was incredible and it is hard to give it justice in a short blog, but I’ll try. It was our first full week at the center and our team really began to get into the swing of things. I never thought before this trip that I would see a negative cast being made with a bicycle tire or that I would have the opportunity to lead a Bible study in Africa, but both of those things happened this week.
Tonight our team threw a birthday party for the teacher at the rehabilitation center, Juliet. She had never had a birthday party before because it is not tradition in her tribe. We made her an American meal (breakfast for dinner) and taught her to how to play spoons. She looked at the pancakes ( called Kaballagala in Luganda) like they were from outer space, but she seemed to enjoy playing spoons. Instead of giving too many details about everything, I want to give a short story of a person at the center. I hope it inspires you.

Snapshot- Soloman (17 years old)

Soloman was in a brutal car accident a year ago. He was walking down the street with a group of his friends and was hit by a drunk driver. When the woman hit him, she accidently hit the accelerator instead of the brakes. Subsequently, the woman drove into a pole while Soloman was on her hood. After hitting the pole Soloman fell about 30 feet to the ground. By the grace of God, Soloman only broke his femur.  Unfortunately it was about six months before Soloman could get any medical help.  By the time that Soloman got help his bones were growing on top of one another causing more damage. He had surgery to correct the break and is now doing rehabilitation at Affayo.
Amazingly, Soloman thanks God for all that has happened. He told me “Before the accident I didn’t know why I went to church every Sunday, but now I know that God was with me the whole time. Now I have renewed faith and my future is with God.”
Praise the Lord for people like Soloman  2 Corinthians 5:17  “Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old is gone has come.” 

Pray that God speaks through me as I get to share the Gospel with a group of new/not-yet believers at church tomorrow. 
Pray for Soloman's future 
Pray for the Rehabilitation Center to continue to get funding (the founder is the main donor and he is ill) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an inspiring story of faith. We continue to pray for you and your team. Like the pictures, especially the one with flowers in your hair!
